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Et nyt job

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Den gamle udkigspost er placeret i sydøst på kortet, ikke langt fra indianerlandsbyen.

Hold musen over billedet af udkigsposten, for at se hvor den er placeret
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Saloonen er endelig befriet for banditter - men hvor længe? Den gamle udkigspost har været tom i et stykke tid nu og er i en dårlig stand. Vi har brug for en god mand der vil beskytte os mod fare. Dette lyder som et job for dig, vil du bemande udkigsposten? Den gamle udkigspost er placeret i sydøst på kortet, ikke langt fra indianerlandsbyen.
Mange tak, for at du vil bemande denne position. Så snart en ny bandit nærmer sig, vil vi blive advaret. Du er en sand helt.


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Du kommer til den ødelagte udkigspost. Det ser ud til at ingen har været her længe, da det hele er fyldt med skidt, støv og ødelagte palisader. Det første der skal gøres, er at finde og hejse et flag.
Flaget står højt og flot i vinden. Hver eneste bandit i nærheden vil vide, at udkigsposten er tilbage i kampen, hvilket forhåbentligt vil holde dem tilbage.


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Byg et vandingsanlæg
30 minutter

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Det er på tide at genopbygge udkigsposten. Vandreserverne er forurenede og fulde af sand. Dette gør et længere ophold umuligt, så du bør bygge et vandingsanlæg først.
Nu kan du endelig få et forfriskende bad i frisk vand. Det føles godt, at vaske alt det hårde slid af sig, mens du begynder at blive glad for dit nye arbejde.


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Læg jernbaneskinner
30 minutter

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Du skal også hente proviant ved den næste by. Der var engang togskinner direkte til udkigsposten, men de er rustet væk. Du bør reparer dem.
Dine proviantleveringer er sikret og udkigsposten er begyndt at se OK ud igen. Du begynder bare at føle dig lidt ensom ude på prærien.

Clean up time

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Repair fences
30 minutes

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The palisades around the outpost have been destroyed which makes defending the outpost quite tough. You decided that it is better to start rebuilding them.
While working, you notice a coyote strolling around casually, watching you. Although it is just a wild animal, you are happy having some company.


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It really gets lonely out here. No bandits in sight, only a coyote is to be seen every now and then in the vast distance. Since you saw a cow nearby a few days ago, you decide to win the coyote's friendship over with a big steak.
The coyote sniffs at the steak but walks away soon after. You could swear he looks offended and you wonder why.


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The coyote stays in the vicinity but he is not fully trusting you yet. You think about what else you could give him, but the only thing growing near here are tomatoes. You guess it is worth a try.
Not really - a coyote that eats tomatoes? He seems to be happy about the offering and this seems to mark the beginning of a friendship. You notice his white paws, they look just like he is wearing shoes and so you decide to name him that: Shoe.

A one-sided friendship

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Defeat Excited Indian
Defeat Excited Indian

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Indian: Auchomae se elsis!An Indian! You don't understand his language, but he seems to be very upset about something. Maybe it's because of his cow you hunted to attract the coyote? You try to explain yourself but he cannot understand you either and challenges you to a duel.
The Indian retreats to the woods after you beat him. You're stuck with a bad conscience because seemingly you stole his cow. This was not a good first step towards making friends in the wilderness.

A one-sided friendship

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Somehow, you have to make it up to the Indian. Although the coyote is a nice companion, you would like human friends as well. You feel sorry for the poor guy and want to make him a present. Strangely, the first thing that comes to mind is the horn of his dead cow. Let's see if this is really a good idea.
You: Hello, please accept this gift as a token of my friendship!The tribe reacts very negatively towards the horn and chases you out of their village. Now that you think about what you have done, it doesn't come as a surprise.

A one-sided friendship

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You can't get the Indian tribe out of your head. Maybe it was just your clothing they didn't like? You decide to dress up like one of them and try and apologize again.
You: I come in peace. I am really sorry about your cow!The Indians chase you away, again. Good job! Seemingly they didn't like that you dressed up like them and got insulted by your attire. Maybe you should just leave them alone for a while and concentrate on rebuilding the fort.

Help at the last second

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Felling trees
30 minutes

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Time passes and you continue your work at the outpost. Slowly it starts to feel like a home to you, but you are still missing a nice wooden cabin to sleep in. You should cut some wood so you can start the construction.
While busy working, the Indian from before emerges from the woods. He seems to be very agitated.Indian: Palinka! Palinka!It seems that he wants you to follow him, so that is what you decide to do.

Help at the last second

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Granite mining
30 minutes

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The Indian leads you to the quarry. Other members of his tribe are standing around and they look really worried while trying to dig something out. It seems like somebody was buried under a rock fall. How terrible! You run and help the tribe by removing the stones.
Finally you remove the last stone and pull a little girl from the debris. Somebody tells you that her name is "Light as a feather". How appropriate. Indian: Biboa, kajszi palinka! You are happy to have helped and return to your outpost, relieved of your guilt.

A discovery

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Distance travelled: 3000/3000

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Day after day goes by and Shoe seems to be bored. You decide to take a hike with him. Together you set out to explore the area around the outpost on foot.
After a long trek you decide to take a rest in a nice shaded place, but Shoe all of a sudden goes crazy and runs off. Still tired, you run after him.You: Shoe, what is it?You follow the coyote to a beaver dam. What a blessing! It has been a long winter for the Indians, there are not many animals left to hunt. Maybe you should show them what you have found.

A discovery

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Demolishing the dam
30 minutes

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You: Come with me, I have to show you something.You proudly present your trove to the Indians - the beaver dam. You help them hunt as you did accidentally steal their last cow.
Together you tear down the dam. The Indians are very grateful and they finally forgive you for the theft of the cow. They now become your friends.

A discovery

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The tribe finally has enough to eat as they celebrate. The Indians invite you to a feast. While you do not want to show up empty-handed, you decide to take care of dessert. How about some fruit?
You are now very happy to have some company. You even teach the Indians some words of your language so that you will be able to communicate better in the future.You: Friendship!Indians: Friendship!The feast lasts until late night. As the morning arrives, you have to get back to your duties.

Unintended visit

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Carving out claims
30 minutes

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It could not be going any better, you have finally met new friends. But the work on the outpost has not made any progress. Your sense of duty scolds you, get to work! You take Shoe with you in order to stake off the surroundings of the outpost.
Shoe: Snarl!You: Shoe, what's the matter?You sneak through the brush and spot some shady men. Are they bandits? You decide to eavesdrop on them.Short shady man: Gems, sparkling gems. We will be rich!Taller, shady man: Yes, but we have to get rid of the Indians first.You have heard enough, you jump out of the bushes.

Unintended visit

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Defeat Bigger dodgy man
Defeat Bigger dodgy man

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You: You there! Get out of here this instance!Man: Who are you? Have you been eavesdropping on us? Let's see what you got!
You have defeated the leader. The rest of the men take to their heels and get away. What gems have the men been talking about, and what do they want here? Furthermore, what does all of that have to do with the Indians?

Unintended visit

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Bandit duels won : 5/5

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Shoe: Snarl!You: You think there are more of these men around? Come, let's comb through the area and drive these crooks off.
The shady men are gone for now, but you are concerned about the Indians. The men said they wanted to get rid off them so you will have to protect the Indians.


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Installing a barbed wire fence
30 minutes

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Indian: Danger?!You: Exactly! You are in danger, but don't worry. I already have a plan to protect you.There is a lot of barbed wire around the outpost; you decide to dismantle it and put it up around the Indian village.
The outpost is not safe anymore but you care about the Indians' safety now. Who would notice that you are giving away all of the barbed wire anyway?


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Indian: Safety?You: Well, the barbed wire will slow down the enemies but what if they get through after all? You need weapons. You get some weapons from the nearest town. While these are actually intended to go to the outpost, the Indians need to be protected. Every gunsmith has a different assortment of weapons. If you do not find the gun you want, go to the next town and look for them there.
The Indians are armed now. But will they be able to handle the weapons? You should teach the Indians how to fight properly.


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Experience gained in bandit duels : 50/50

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You: Very well, let's start with target practice, we'll take some small-time crooks. Just watch me and stay close.You should do some duels with the Indians until they have gained enough experience in order to defend themselves.
The Indians are now somewhat safe but they do not excel in handling their guns yet. You need to keep a wary eye so you get back to working on the outpost.

The rookie

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Sawing wood
30 minutes

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Days laterStranger: I am Henry Borne, a new recruit and I have been deployed to take over the outpost here. You are in command here, can you brief me?You: A new recruit? Well, I have not heard anything about this.Borne: The Sheriff sent me to relieve you. So the fort does not have any weapons or barbed wire at all?You: Erm....No. Erm... Therefore it is good that you are here. We should build palisades so you can get instructed right away.That was close... this Henry guy should not find out about the Indians. If he was really sent by the Sheriff, you have to cover up giving away the guns and barbed wire.
The whole thing is Greek to you - a new recruit, and you should not have gotten a message about it? Henry Borne...the name rings a bell. But your sense of duty is greater than your suspicion.

The rookie

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Shoe: Grrrr!Borne: What kind of critter is that? Coyotes belong in the wilderness and not in an outpost! Do something, it wants to bite me!You quickly give Shoe a tomato to calm him down. Strange, Shoe has never acted up that way.
Can you trust the new recruit? Maybe he's right and Shoe is just a wild animal that does not belong in a fort. You should keep a close eye on the recruit to see if he is a good guy.

The rookie

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Breaking in horses
30 minutes

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Borne: I saw some wild horses not far from the outpost, we could really use those for our work here!You are angry at yourself, who is giving orders around here now? Well, you really have neglected the outpost lately. It is about time for such a job.
While riding, you ask yourself how the Indians are. You have not been able to visit them for a while due to Henry Borne being around. He should not catch wind of the Indians being there until you know whether you can trust him.

Twinkle in the night

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One night your coyote awakes you. He has something in his jaws - what might this be?Shoe: Woof woof.You reach for his jaws but he doesn't want to let go of it.Shoe: Grrrr.You should offer him a tomato in exchange, if you value your hand.
You don't believe your eyes as you realize what's in your hand - A gem! Holy Moses! Where did Shoe find this? You follow the coyote into the brush and discover a cave.

Twinkle in the night

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Searching for semi-precious stones
30 minutes

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A mine on the Indian's territory! Might that be the reason why the men wanted to attack the Indians? You descend further into the mine to find out whether there are gems here.
Indeed, the mine is full of gems. So this is what the men were here for. The mine is located on Indian territory, they would be in great danger if anyone found out.Shoe: Snarl!You: Is someone there?You don't see anyone... what did Shoe see? You quickly decide to return to the outpost before Borne notices that you are gone.


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Setting up telegraph poles
30 minutes

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The next day.Borne: A severe storm raged last night and the telegraph poles tumbled over. We should go and repair them. Oh, and can you please leave the coyote here? It always bares its teeth when it sees me.You: A storm? I did not notice that... well, duty calls. Alright, Shoe, you stay here - we will be right back.You join Henry and head for the poles. You are cut off from the world without the telegraph.
You are out on the prairie and repair the poles. It is strange that they fell over with not that much of a storm. Suddenly, you are hit over the head by something and everything turns to black.


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Defeat Henry Borne aka Dutch Henry
Defeat Henry Borne aka Dutch Henry

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When you wake up, Borne stands before you with a gun in hand. You are dizzy.Borne: Well, the tables have turn now... I finally lured you away from that critter and knocked you out. The bandits you drove off a couple of days ago were my men. Now the way to the gems is free.You: Henry Borne, I now know why I knew that name. Should I call you Dutch Henry instead? The infamous thief! I should have recognized you sooner.So Henry Borne is Dutch Henry, the infamous horse thief. He laughs in your face while everything falls into place. You quickly draw your gun.
Dutch Henry's men: Hold! You thought this would work, but we're here as well. Your last hour has come!Borne's accomplices have come to his aid and you are too dizzy to defeat them all. Dutch Henry, he is after the gems in the mine - something has to happen, and quickly!


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Digging graves
30 minutes

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Borne: Well, you are helpless without your coyote, right? I can now take my time to clear out the gem mine with my accomplices without you interfering.You: Borne, you will pay for this!Borne: We'll see about that, now shut your trap. You will dig your own grave so I can get rid of you once and for all.Borne threatens you with his gun so you cannot do anything but to start digging.
You are tied up and helpless. Dutch Henry Borne threatens you with a gun and there doesn't seem to be a way out. Your own grave awaits you...


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Defeat Henry Borne aka Dutch Henry
Defeat Henry Borne aka Dutch Henry

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What is that noise coming from the bushes? Indians! Shoe must have led the Indians to come to your rescue!Indians: Attack!The Indians overrun the bandits with the weapons you gave them. They free you and you can now catch Dutch Henry Borne off-guard.
You: Game over, Henry Borne aka Dutch Henry.Borne: No, I've lost... this stupid coyote, I should have taken care of him as well.Shoe comes running and bares his teeth.Finish hint:You have to decide now - will you let Dutch Henry live, or will you push him into his grave?

Signpost.png Path 1: The decision

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You let me live? I, err, would of course have done the same - I would never have pushed you into your grave. I just wanted to scare you. There are two possibilities to handle Dutch Henry. Think about what you want to do before you finish the quest.
You look after Dutch Henry as the Sheriff takes him away. Hopefully he'll come to his senses in jail.

Signpost.png Path 2: The decision

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No! Please, do whatever you want, but do not push me into the grave, please ! There are two possibilities to handle Dutch Henry. Think about what you want to do before you finish the quest.
You push Dutch Henry into the grave that was thought to be yours with a determined nudge. You do have a bit of a guilty conscience though.

Moving in

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Indian: Friends!You are deeply moved, the Indians have saved your scalp. The deep friendship between them and yourself is sealed.You: Friends! You will now live with me at the outpost, nothing can happen to you here.
The Indians move to the outpost with you and your friend Shoe. Now they are pretty safe from being harmed, and you can guard the outpost and live with the Indians at the same time.