Soccer event - repeatable quests

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from 09/06 at 00:00 until 24/06 at 12:00

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Chasing bandits

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png

This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting Chasing bandits (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Chasing bandits (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days

30 minutes
Bandit duels won : 15/15

Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


Hello, {PLAYER_NAME}! How's it going? Thanks for the invitation, but I don't have time for childish parties! Oh, don't tempt me with whiskey, my friend. I really want to join, but those bloody thieves... I think they are messing with my head. Lately, there's been a lot of theft here. You know, I have to catch this gang. Otherwise everyone will know that I am a poor sheriff. I think there are 15 bandits responsible for these burglaries. But at the same time, I see a lot of new faces here. I have no idea what all these people are doing here? New gold rush perhaps?You notice that the sheriff sweats heavily. He wipes the sweat from his forehead with his hand. It looks really bad, you have never before seen him like that. You decide to help him to catch the thieves. Like in the good old days.It is so nice of you, {PLAYER_NAME}. You are really a good friend. You can join my team anytime if you want to help me. Oh... wait, I have a better idea.The sheriff wipes his wet face with a handkerchief.Let's split up. You are a highly skilled gunman, you know that. Well... and you can manage this alone, unlike my deputies. Please go west or to an abandoned town. Check if the bandits have been hiding there. I will go with my team to the east. What are you hiding behind your back? Is this something... round?
Hmm... I see that you brought something that looks like a ball. And obviously this thing is not a thief! You can take this ball to Henry, he was once a decent player. Those were the days, my friend... when we were still young. Alright, enough chit-chatting, duty calls! I have to catch these bandits with your help, or without it! This is not a game! What? You brought them here already? So... I knew they would be in the west. I had a nose to send you and not those duffers from my office there. Heh. Right, I may have ;the nose, but you've got the eyes. Come with me, we'll take them to the prison.

Henry's memories

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png

This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting Henry's memories (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Henry's memories (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days





Look who came here! I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you need anything from me? No? What do you have behind your back? Feel free to show me. Ha, a soccer ball! I once had such a ball signed by all the famous players from our The West Wild League. Where did you get it from? Hmm... You just found it in a raspberry bush? Heh. What did you do in a raspberry bush? Maybe I don't want to know.Henry is lost in his thoughts. When Henry indulges in memories, or reminisces about the good old times, he looks quite serious and it's better to not disturb him. After a while, Henry goes to the saloon's storeroom, then returns with a large, old key and walks over to the cabinet behind the counter. He opens the cabinet, pulls out a casket, then opens it and takes a piece of paper from it. He comes to you and shows you a picture.Look, that was me. And here, this was our goalkeeper. It's a fascinating game. Which year are we in? Hmm ... It has been so many years since the first football team was founded. After the 1850s many of the newer football clubs got the ball rolling, so to say, but the Sheffield Football Club is recognized as the oldest club in the world. Heh, did you know that the club had their own set of rules? I will tell you more, but I need a piece of paper and a pencil.
There you go! Now you will learn everything about soccer. There are 22 players on the field, 11 in each team. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hand. The others? They can only kick the ball with their feet. When the ball goes behind the line...Henry recites all the rules of the game from the early beginnings. He is very passionate about it.

The pencil

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning


This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting The pencil (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The pencil (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days





The ramblings of Henry finally end. You were getting tired along the way, but didn't want to cut off your friend, especially as he was so much into it. When you are about to leave the saloon to look for a pencil, you notice Waupee waving to you and calling you over.Hello! What did you and Henry talk about for so long? Soccer? Did he tell you that Sheffield FC was the first real club? No way! Of course it's not true! Someone told me that there was a poet or maybe a teacher... doesn't matter. His name was David Wedderbum. He already wrote about a game of football in the 1630s, where players passed the ball around with their feet, trying to score by getting the ball past a goalkeeper! If you ask me, nobody knows which club was the first one. Did you know that Henry's great-great-great-grandfather was from Sheffield? To be honest, I am not sure how many "greats" there have to be before "father", haha! So, you need to find a pencil? You can make one yourself, it's not too difficult. You just need wood, a knife and coal. Yes, of course I will then show you how to make one.
It is quite easy, right?

The Captain

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png

This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting The Captain (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The Captain (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days



Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png



Hello darling, I've overheard your conversation with Henry. This game sounds quite interesting. You know what, you could be a Captain! I can sew a special armband for you... with a big "C". Then everyone will know that you are the Captain. What do you think? I will be your biggest fan and I will shout your name from the stand. Can you bring me something red? I have white fabric, but the armband has to be red, don't you think? Oh, and I will need wool.
Do you like it? I think it looks great on your arm. Go to Henry and ask him to be the referee.

A referee

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png


This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting A referee (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting A referee (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days








You're back! Do you want something to drink? A glass of whiskey, no problem! Here you go. So, what brings you here? You want to play a match? And you want me as the referee? Why me? Ah yes, I know the rules, for sure. But is that enough? I don't think so. You see, the referee is the most important person on the field. Oh... but then all the women will look at me! I'm in! I need black clothes, could you bring me some?
This looks fancy. I like it, really. Looks good! But now tell me, why did you bring me moccasins? Yes, I see that they are black, but... Aha, for a game of soccer you need special shoes, like these. No, I can't give you my shoes. But I have something else for you. This is my old shirt. Do you like it? It is yours now. Take it.

The black shoes

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting The black shoes (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The black shoes (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days







Hello, my friend. What do you need? Eh... slowly please. You need black comfortable shoes, right? Then maybe moccasins will be a good choice. I can make some for you. Bring me the best skin you can find in the Wild West! Mind if I ask a question? Can I play with you? I mean, in your team? I can be the one who has to catch the ball... the... right, the goalkeeper.
The black moccasins are ready. I hope you like them. What is this? Oh, really? For me? That means I will play in your team, right? I'm thrilled and really looking forward to play with you!

The telegrams

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting The telegrams (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The telegrams (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Setting up telegraph poles

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Where've you been? If this match is to take place, we should invite some guests, hang up posters and look for an opponent. I think we should send a telegram to other towns and invite them to the match. What do you think? Yes, it is a great idea, because it is my idea, hehe. Go and I will prepare the posters in the meanwhile. What are you waiting for? I understand that you are hungry. The dinner will wait for you.
You don't say! The telegraph lines are broken again? Do I understand correctly then that you didn't send any telegrams? What, you fixed the telegraph lines? You are simply an amazing young fella.

It will be quite an event

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting It will be quite an event (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting It will be quite an event (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Putting up posters
Selling newspaper 'The Western Star'
Distance travelled: 5000/5000

Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


{PLAYER_NAME}, come here! Hurry up, we have to prepare the whole event! I just received some answers to our telegrams. Five other towns will come here and join us. Teams from Newport, Jacksonville, Crystal Town, Burnham City and from Big Bourbon. It's so exiting! I have a plan. When they arrive, we will randomly choose who will play against whom. Each team can give away 20 free tickets to their fans, the rest I will sell. I have just talked to Maya about it and she will help me with the preparations. You can gather the teams and get ready. I have only one request. Can you take care about the promotion of the games? You know, some newspapers and posters in the east and west?
Here is your 200$. If I make more money from selling tickets, I will give you more. Is that ok with you? Perfect.

The draw day

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting The draw day (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The draw day (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days




Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png




The day has come for the draw to take place. A lot of honorary guests and spectators have arrived in town. Sheriff John keeps an eye to make sure everything is peaceful and just arrested a pickpocket. The city it is really safe thanks to the sheriff. Representatives of the six cities enter the saloon. It is going to be packed. Fans are standing in front of the saloon, look inside through the windows and wait for the results of the draw. There are so many of them that there is hardly and daylight in the saloon any more. Henry stands on a chair with a bowl in his hands. In it, there are six folded pieces of paper. He puts his hand into the bowl and draws a first piece of paper from it. Then he reads the name of the team out loudly:Jacksonville will play against... What have we got... Big Bourbon! Aaaand Burnham City will face off against... Crystal Town. And finally, our last match is Newport vs... our town! And now, I'd like to invite all of you to our amazing after-show party! Have fun everyone!Henry walks over to you and whispers in your ear:I didn't expect so many people to show up! What do I do now? Here, take these $100. Can you bring me some fish?
Thank you so much. You are incredible. Oh, you also brought me some ham. That’s just perfect. I have something very special for you. Open the box. Yes, these are my very first soccer shoes. I know that you'll need them. The Newport team is really strong. See you tomorrow.

Our first match

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting Our first match (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Our first match (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days




Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Match day has arrived. Today you will face the team from Newport. Will you score a goal for your team? Will you become the hero of the match? Are you a good captain? We just have to wait and see... You put on your blue outfit and walk onto the pitch with your team. You can see that Henry worked really hard to make the event great. You look at your shoes from Henry and his old jersey. You can't let him down. You just have to give your very best, he trusted in you and believes in your skills. The same goes for Maya. She gave you the captain's armband. That means something, right? And Henry as a referee looks so good, maybe even more handsome than John.How's it going? You ok? Good luck, my friend.Henry places the ball in the middle of the field. Then he blows his whistle and the game begins. You have the ball and pass it on to a team member. He runs like the wind and aims for goal... but the goalkeeper just gets a hand to it and the ball is deflected past the post. Henry decides for a corner. This is your chance to be a hero! Bill, a random guy from your team, it taking the corner kick. The ball comes flying high into the area, you run towards it and jump... "No hands, no hands... But he said nothing about my head!”, you think to yourself. You hit the ball with your forehead and... Goooooal! The audience rises from their chairs and applauds. But then Henry walks up to you and says:Sorry, mate, but I cannot allow this. It was a foul. Really? You didn't know that you are not allowed to push your opponent away with both arms to get to the ball? Hmm, yes, I never told you... I thought that was obvious! Soccer is not exactly a gentleman's game, but there are some things you simply cannot do. Like pulling hairs or knocking other players out. Or shooting other players. So, no goal here.You fight, you sweat, you give your everything. And you are careful to not push over any other players again. It takes 45 minutes, then there is a break and no team has scored.
The break is a good time to regain strength, motivate the team and discuss a new strategy. Join your team and once again, good luck my friend. And sorry about the goal, but I have my principles.

What happened?

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting What happened? (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting What happened? (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days

After the break, everyone comes out onto the pitch again. Each team wants to win and receive a shiny medal for it. The opponent is really strong. The second half of the match has just started. After another 15 minutes of back and forth, and a lot of running on your side, Bill picks up a loose ball in the middle of the field. Just as he is about to pass it on to you, a player of the Newport team tries to stop him, steps on his foot with full force and smashes his leg. Bill falls down and starts to scream. You realize he is badly hurt. A local doctor runs onto the pitch to help him and you hear that Bill’s leg is broken. You are getting really angry when you see the Newport player laughing. What a ruffian! You walk over to him and punch him in the face. Henry runs up to you and tries to calm you down.What are you doing? This game has to be played fairly! As a result, I have to give you a yellow card, {PLAYER_NAME}! Yes, for breaking the game rules! The other player will also get one. And if you get a second yellow card, it means that you have to leave and are not allowed to continue playing. Now, do you have anyone who can replace Bill? John? Well, why not... Tell him to change his clothes. You have five minutes.You're asking Sheriff John to join your team. Henry blows his whistle, your team gets a free kick of the ball and the game continues. Then, all of a sudden, you have the ball and see an opening. Are the other players getting tired? You run into the penalty area and have a clear shot at goal. But that very moment someone is pushing you and you fall flat on your face. You get up, look around and see that it was the same twerp who broke Bill's leg. Now he is laughing at you! This is enough! You can hardly control yourself. But what happens if you get a second yellow card? Your team will have to play without you... But can they replace you with someone else? Why have you not listened when Henry spoke about the rules. What do you do now?
It's your decision. Will this bloke pay for what he did, or do you back down? All up to you...

Signpost.png Path 1: I am too angry!

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting I am too angry! (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting I am too angry! (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Lose against Scott
Lose against Scott

What are you doing? Cut it out at once or do you want to lose? Is that what you want?Henry is talking to you, but you don’t listen. You've had enough... You need to teach him a lesson! You want revenge, and nothing is going to stop you.
Now tell me, was it worth it? This red card means that you have to leave the field. And you have to give the captain's armband to someone else. I am disappointed. You should go and see Maya.

Signpost.png Path 2: Swallow your anger

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting Swallow your anger (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Swallow your anger (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


What are you doing? Cut it out at once or do you want to lose? Is that what you want?Henry is talking to you, but you don't listen. You've had enough, you need to teach him a lesson! You want revenge! Oh, wait... the best revenge would be to win the match! You calm down and go back to your team. From the sideline, you take a canteen full of water and bring it to the other team's player. You hand him your water, so he can drink and calm down too.That's a very nice gesture to share your water.
You think it was a clear foul, but Henry does not even award a penalty. You start to think that he doesn't like you anymore. Anyways, you grit your teeth and fight on. After a few minutes, the same bloke you now hate so much falls down, grabbing his leg. Ha, he looks hurt! Serves him right! It is nothing serious though, just a cramp. You ask Henry to call a doctor and you check yourself to see if everything is alright. The doctor arrives, examines the leg carefully and then says he cannot continue to play. He has to leave the field. You help him to get up. He puts his arm around your shoulder and you walk him to the dugout, where he can sit back and relax. Henry approaches you and says:You see, {PLAYER_NAME}, this was extraordinary. You showed great sportsmanship. This is what I call fair play and respecting your opponent. Well done.

Signpost.png Path 2: The deciding goal

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting The deciding goal (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The deciding goal (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


The match is slowly coming to an end. No side has scored yet. A few minutes before the final whistle you decide to score a goal for your team. You run towards the opponent's penalty area as fast as you still can, hit a great shot, but the ball bounces off another player and strikes your hand. Hmm… hand! Bad, that is not allowed. And for sure, you hear Henry's whistle blowing. He gives a free kick to the opponents. A confident-looking Newport player punts the ball long and high across the field, right into your penalty area. It somehow lands on the back of the head of one of your teammates and from there, in a surreal arc, right in the top left corner of your goal. What kind of a freak goal was that?! Well, you must admit it was fantastic. And then you hear Henry's voice:The game is over, Ladies and Gentlemen! Newport wins this time! Congratulations! Psst... {PLAYER_NAME}, come here. Do you want a red card for your collection? Maybe one day you will be a referee as well, who knows... Bring me some good whiskey, I need to hand out the rewards.
You did a great job. Maybe your team didn't win, but you can't always win, right? Other teams are pretty good too. And there are things more important in life than winning. Know what I mean? Look over there, Maya is dancing, how happy she is. This is what I was tal... What is she doing?

On the sidelines

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting On the sidelines (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting On the sidelines (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days



Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


That was quite aggressive... I didn't even know that side of you. Do you always get triggered that easily? I must admit though that the punch to his face was mighty impressive. It's a shame that you had to hand over the captain's armband. You know, the captain is the leader and always in the front, fighting for his team. Guess you’ve taken that too literally... But all in all, it's good that you are here with me now. Can you bring me something to eat and... also my jacket? I'm getting cold.
Now don't you be sad anymore. Our team can still win, the match is still going on. Here in the crowd it's also fun. You can cheer for your team.


opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting Cheerleading (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Cheerleading (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Repair fences
Mow pasture

You see how Maya jumps up from her chair with some colored... What is that? You don't know, looks like balls, but it's definitely not balls. Maya runs on to the field. You walk over to see what's going on and notice that she is wearing a sporty outfit. A short skirt, comfortable white shirt and two pom-poms. The pom-pom in her left hand is blue and white, while the other one has red and white colors. What does she need these pom-poms for? Then she starts to dance and wave... and some other girls join her. And while they dance, they chant "Newport team! The best team!" and "Our team! A fair team!" Each of the girls congratulate all players and they also cheer for you. In the end, Maya comes up to you.Do you like our little cheerleading show? This is a show for the players, to show our appreciation, because we support all of them. Why I have red and blue pom-poms? Because our team color is blue and the Newport team's is red. It's that simple, the color of our team is blue... like your shirt. I didn't know who would win the game or who to really cheer for, so I decided to have both colors with me. I like and support all teams, is that not fantastic? You know what? You can take one of my pom-poms. Which one do you want? Red or blue? You have time to decide. Because for now we have to help Henry and clean up the arena. I think that is just a perfect job for you. First, you need to repair the fence, because someone may get hurt. Then you can substitute Henry in the booth to sell tickets for the next match. And finally we have to mow the grass of the field. During that time, we, I mean Henry and I, will prepare a nice evening feast.
An excellent choice. Please, it's all yours. I want to see you dancing with the pom-poms, haha! See you in the evening!

The Party

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/06 at 00:00 until the 26/06 at 23:59
16/06 00:00 - 26/06 23:59
After accepting The Party (Soccer event - repeatable quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The Party (Soccer event) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


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Reward experience.png


I warmly greet everyone on this special day. Welcome to my saloon! We had some fine matches today. One was really exceptional, it taught us the rules and showed everyone that fair play is really important. I want to thank you, all of you. This day reminds me about the time when I was young... Yes, I was young once too. And I know that I sometimes talk too much! So now, enjoy the party and congratulations to the winner. Here are your exquisite medals, players of the Newport team!After his speech, Henry calls you over to him.That was a great day... No, a great week! What do you think? What? You still want the medals? But I can't... I mean, you didn't win the game, right? But look, I still have something nice for you.Henry gives you a big box.
It was an excellent day and an amazing party to round it all up. I earned much more than I expected. Here, have a little extra, you did a fine job. Now I only have to teach you to become a good soccer player, heh.