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Versionen fra 29. jan. 2021, 11:06


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A strange letter

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Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png


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After my uncle died I have received a letter from his estate. God bless his soul. Karl loved riddles of all kinds and I fear that he is playing one more trick still after his passing. And of course, he's playing it with me. Here is the letter, you can read it.Dear Maya,by the time you read this I will be dead. Don't be sad but keep a bottle of beer cool for me. In the end you'll find the treasure.Love, KarlHmm... the part about the beer reminds me of out fishing trips to the Cold River. We used to put the bottles in the river water to keep them cold. Come, lets go fishing!
Bulls eye! This is the exact same spot where we used to put our bottles to keep them cold. And what do we have here, a bottle with a letter ... This is Karl's handwriting.Very good, Maya!The next challenge won't be this easy:Look for the old tree that is pointing at you and break his finger.Karl

Old tree

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png


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I remember an old gnarled tree on the edge of the forest. One of its branches looks like an arm with a finger reaching out to you. I can imagine that Karl is talking about this tree with his next message. Breaking off the finger might be a bit naive though, we'll need a tool box to cut it off.
I went out to find the tree while you were looking for the toolbox. It's right over there. With the saw, we should be able to cut off the finger easily ... Careful now ... Great, that's it! Ah, you see this little hole? There is a letter in it ... You're very close to solving the riddle.I've marked the location of the treasure on a map. You'll find the map behind the wall that you can walk through.Karl

At the waterfall

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png


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Well, Karl has been more creative before. Of course he's talking about the little waterfall in the forest. You can walk through the water wall and end up in a little cave behind the curtain of water. We spent a lot of time there. Lets go and get the map!
Ah, you were faster. Now, lets see... The map has been drawn on on both sides but I don't recognize the area it shows. It looks pretty incomplete. Ah, wait, Karl has written something on the side.You walked through the water. Now let the light shine through the map.Karl


opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png


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Puh, the sun burns the top of my head. It was nice and cool in the cave. But if we can't use the map to find the treasure at least we can use it as a sun sail... Oh, now that is interesting! Held against the sunlight the map looks very different. Both sides are visible at once and they make a complete map now. Ah... now I know what area it shows. It's the Cold River and the waterfall. There is an X close to the waterfall. That's where the treasure has to be. Let's go...Hey, did you hear that? What was that? That didn't sound good...Oh no ... A grizzly! There he is ... that's not good... and he's seen us, he's coming right at us!
That was close! You really know how to use that weapon. I'm wondering, is there anything you can't do?

The treasure

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png


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Here it has to be. The X on the map is right on top of a hill. I only see one hill around here. I guess now comes the most exhausting part of the journey. Lets get up the hill and start digging. I mean ... you dig of course ...
Nothing! Absolutely nothing! We've dug up the whole area, and all we got is blisters on our fingers ... Maybe we should think a bit more...


opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Maya Roalstad.png


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The treasure hunt really made me hungry. Maybe we can catch something eatable. Then we can make a fire and have a rest.
The sun is setting slowly... Isn't it beautiful up here? From this river you can see way out into the valley. Over there is the Cold River and in the distance you can hear the waterfall.I think I know why Karl left me this letter. He never understood why I loved jewels and fancy clothing so much. He wanted me to have an adventure and see this beautiful sight. I used to come up here all the time when i was younger. Now all I do is hang around in the saloon... I wish I could thank Karl for the treasure he has given me with this beautiful evening. It's more precious to me than any gold in the world ...