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04.07 kl. 00:00 indtil 25.07 kl. 00:00.

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opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
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Denne opgave er kun tilgængelig fra 04.07 klokken 00:00 indtil 25.07 klokken 00:00.
04/07 00:00 - 24/07 23:59
vindue Hotel åbent

Du går ind i saloonen. Der er ikke nogen indenfor, hvilket overrasker dig meget. Selv Henry er der ikke. Henry har altid været i Saloonen! Det er hans sted, hans job... hans liv! Du går igennem hele rummet, men du finder ikke noget andet, kun støv på bordene. Hvor kommer støvet fra?Når alt kommer til alt, så var du her jo i går... du drak 12 års whiskey med John! Du vælger at undersøge baglokalet. Du går stille ind i baglokalet, du ser den amerikanske grundlov ligger på bordet. Køkkenet er rent, tallerknerne vasket... Men det ser ud som om ingen har brugt det i årevis. Du ønsker at tage grundloven og sætte den på boghylden, på Hnerys kontor, men... bogen er forsvundet! Kun sporet reflekteret i støvet er forblevet. Dette er et ægte mareridt. Hvad kan du gøre i dette øjeblik? Måske skal du undersøge byen? De er nødt til at været et eller andet sted? Hvor som helst? Er der nogen?
Du har undersøgt alle bygningerne. Din by virker til at være helt tom. I Mayas lejlighed har du fundet et brev adresseret til dig.

Hvor er I, mine venner!?

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Nået niveau 1







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Hey, hvis du finder dette brev, betyder det at du er kommet dig og medikamenterne har hjulpet. Vi kunne ikke tage dig med os, min kære ven. Jeg håber du vil tilgive mig denne ene gang. Henry, John og jeg drog imod nord vest, og Waupee tog til sin stamme. Jeg ved ikke hvor du vil tage hen, men der hvor du er kan du ikke blive. Der var et forfærdeligt slag i vores by. Som du husker har vi betalt 26 shillings hvert år imens englænderne kun har betalt 1 shilling hvert år. Folk er meget vrede over den politiske situation. De har samlet våben og så begyndte det... revolutionen. Til sidst, før revolutionen kom til os, var der sygdom. Du blev syg, min ven, og vi flygtede fra døden. Husk os og jeg håber at se dig snart! En tåre triller ned af din kind. Du husker ikke disse begivenheder. Du stopper brevet i lommen og går ud og leder efter noget at spise.
Det er godt at du har fundet noget frugt og nogen grøntsager. Måske vil du ikke gå sulten omkring med nogle få vilde jordbær, men du har nok at spise til de næste dage.

Indfangning af heste

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Nået niveau 1

3 timer
Fang Heste
3 timer

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Det er adskillige dage siden du vågnede op i en forladt by... i din egen by. Der er stadig ikke nogen andre end dig selv. Du begynder at snakke med din skygge. Og det er nok ikke det bedste for dig. Du beslutter dig for at se dig omkring, finde en hest og måske planlægge noget for de næste dage. Det er ikke muligt for dig at leve alene i verden. Der må være nogen andre, et eller andet sted...
Imens du vandrer rundt, lykkedes det dig at fange en hest, en smuk vild mustang. Det vil være et godt tidspunkt at finde en ny by i morgen og måske finde et våben et eller andet sted på vejen. Måske vil den gamle spøgelsesby være et godt sted at starte...

En meget høj og stærk fremmed

opgave stiller Adgangskrav For at acceptere Kræver Belønning
Ghost town.png
Nået niveau 1
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Ghost town.png







Bandit dueller tabt: 1/1

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Efter mange timers vandring, kommer du til spøgelsesbyen. Du er så træt at du ikke kan tage et skridt mere. Du ligger dig under et træ og falder i søvn. Efter noget tid vågner du op med forfærdelige smerter. Du åbner dine øjne og du ser at nogen bare peger sin næve imod dig. Du har kun et spørgsmål: Hvad foregår der?! Fyren griber dig med en hånd, hiver dig op og smider dig ned på jorden igen. Fremmed: Giv mig alt du har! Hvad?! Du har ikke noget?! Haha, vil du have mig til at tro på det? Hiv alt ud af dine lommer . Nu! Du putter langsomt dine hænder ned i lommerne som er tomme. Du kigger på den høje mand og er bange for at han vil banke nogen til mos, hvis du ikke giver ham noget. Du beslutter dig til at tilbyde ham samarbejde.Til din overraskelse, går han med til det og giver dig den første opgave. Forbered middagen.
Fremmed: Sikke en hård tid der er kommet... der er kamp overalt. Hvad gør dig så overrasket? Folket ønskede deres revolution, så de fik den. Du er bare nødt til at overleve, som jeg. Jeg undrer mig hvad der vil ske hvis de vinder. Hvordan vil de administrere så stort et område uden Stor britanien? I øvrigt, jeg er Lukas.

Background of the story

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Ghost town.png
Reached level 1
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Ghost town.png





Sawing wood
Building a bridge

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Lukas: Thank you for the dinner. It was so good.. I haven't eaten such a delicious dinner in a long time. No, I'm not on either side. I understand both sides and I am in between, like between a rock and a hard place. Maybe I just want to live peacefully. I'm afraid of death, that's why I'm not fighting, I haven't chosen any side. I think that we need to find a weapon for you, maybe a nice gun, or rifle? And don't forget about the dinner, from now on you are a master chef.When you were looking for a weapon for yourself, Lukas told you what happened last...Lukas: As you probably know in 1651, the English government had made a decision about trading. We could only trade with the British Kingdom, only they had the opportunity to be rich and as a result, we had three years of King Philip's war here. This war ended in 1678, and much of it was fought without significant assistance from England. This was the perfect time to develop a unique identity for American people. A few years later, in 1765, the government passed the direct taxes on the colonies for the first time, but the taxes weren't big, so no one was complaining. But, they were complaining that they had no representation in the Parliament. Yes, true, there were public demonstrations.. Oh, it's so late... Look there - Lukas shows you his old home when you hear a big bang behind you! - No way ! Now you will have to repair the bridge, otherwise we will not return to the city.
After a while you found the weapon. It was so hard to find anything here... Lukas takes from you the weapon you found and gives you a small revolver, saying that it suits you better. Then you rebuild the bridge. Looks unstable, but you can go back to the Ghost town.

Just before the revolution

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Ghost town.png
Reached level 1
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Ghost town.png




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Lukas: After a while the government changed the rules about the taxes. People, you know, they wanted to have the same rights as the people in Great Britain. Here, they had the feeling that they are only a part of the big machine. Sooner or later, the war had to start... but, before the war in 1774 the British government did a lot of bad things, for example, the soldiers couldn't be tried in the colonies, but only in Great Britain, and they closed the Boston Port until the British had been compensated for the tea lost on the Boston Tea Party. And I think the most important thing for all people was that: the royal government was allowed to house British troops in the homes of the citizens without requiring permission of the owner. Ok, enough talk, we have to get to work, otherwise, we will die of hunger. I have an idea. Find more food than before, and we will sell your dishes.
It was a difficult day. You collected a lot of potatoes and some wild weeds, hunted a wild animal, cooked dinner, and went to sell it. You saw injured people on the way... people begging for food.... You decided to give them what you did not sell.

The battle

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Ghost town.png
Reached level 1
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Ghost town.png
Chase away highwaymen
Transport ammunition
Fort battle completed: 1/1

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Lukas: I am a bit tired to talk much. But I can tell you, that in 1776... It was May, I think... the Congress called on all the states to write constitutions and eliminate the last remnants of royal rule. A month later 9 colonies were ready for Independence. The Declaration of Independence was drafted largely by Thomas Jefferson and presented by the committee and adopted by the entire Congress on July 4. Until today, the war is here. So, what do you think, what should we do? Who will win? Hmm... really, you think, we should go and fight for Independence? Maybe you are right. Come with me...You and Lucas were traveling for few days. Looks like Lukas knows where are you going, but he doesn't want to tell you. After a while you see a big fort. Here you are, a lot of soldiers, fighting for what they believe. Someone gives you a uniform and a weapon. Tomorrow is a big day for everyone. You have heard that this will be the most important battle during this war.
You were fighting, as everyone else. Many people have been shot. Too many. At the end of the battle, when you bend to gather the spent cartridges, you feel a terrible chest pain. You are wounded, you fall to the ground and ... there is nothing left. You want to be in the saloon, with your friends... where are they?

What exactly happened?

opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
Reached level 1










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Hi there! Are you ok? I hope so. You've lost consciousness moments ago. Sorry, I really don't know what happened to you. Henry gave me the list of the products he needs to prepare the Independence Day Party. Yes, it is today... War? What kind of war? Oh, I think, it was just a bad dream. The War was ended a long time ago.
Ah, you are back, and you have everything on the list, perfect. Let's get this party started!


opgave stiller Adgangskrav Kræver Belønning
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
Reached level 1

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John: That was a wonderful party, the best we've had here in a very long time. There were so many people there, some I'd never seen before, like that Lukas gentleman. Did you get a chance to meet him? He seemed to know you?
You're so shocked you are speechless. Could the man from your dream really have come to the party? You decide not to say anything to John, and go to your room for a well-deserved rest. A good sleep will make everything better... as long as you don't dream.