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Ved specielle begivenheder i dette spil kan du modtage medaljer. Kravene for medaljerne er hemmelige og du vil ikke få nogen informationer ved at spørge support. Navnene på medaljerne giver dig en generel ide, og med tiden vil der evt. komme yderligere informationer på forummet af andre spillere.

At få en medalje

Så snart du har færdiggjort en opgave, der har en tilhørende medalje, vil du modtage en rapport, der beskriver hvilken medalje du har fået. Du vil ikke få at vide, hvor du har fået den fra, men navnet, grafikken og tidsstemplet vil hjælpe dig med at give dig ideer. En medaljerapport, så sådan ud:


Viewing Medals

You can view your medals by going to the character menu and clicking on your profile picture. Here your medals are listed chronologically in the order you earned them. If you hover over a medal icon then the full details of that medal will be shown. The bar along the top shows the four medals that listed by default on your profile (others can still view all your medals by clicking on your profile picture there). You can drag any four medals up into the top row to be displayed.

You can view other people's medals in the same way. Simply go to their profile to see their top row of medals, or click on their profile picture for a complete list. Hovering over a medal icon will show the full details of that medal, same as your own profile. You can also view your own medals from your profile, however you will not be able to edit the top row.

Known Medals

A list of all known medals can be found her.

Although medals requirements, many users have been attempting to compile accurate records of all known medals and how to obtain them. These records are not complete and necessarily accurate, except they act as a good guide to a user interested in obtaining them.